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M.I.S.S. Inc. 2023 Annual Report

"Everybody Deserves Place to Call Home"
Signup For Our Volunteer Programs
Use your talents to help serve other people
Consider allocating your time and expertise to establish solutions that enhance the quality of life for less fortunate individuals at M.I.S.S. Inc. of the Treasure Coast. Our organization aims to improve the well-being of the most vulnerable members of society, and we are actively searching for motivated individuals to collaborate with us in generating solutions that make a lasting impact. We invite you to join us to create a brighter future for those in need. If you're looking for a meaningful way to give back to the community, consider donating your valuable time and unique skills to M.I.S.S. Inc. As an organization dedicated to improving the lives of those less fortunate on the Treasure Coast, we're always looking for passionate individuals willing to help us create long-lasting solutions that can make a lasting impact.

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Housing Options Promote Empowerment for All People and All Incomes. M.I.S.S. will continue to expand affordable housing options, that focus on creating nurturing communities that provide a stable foundation for women to prosper. By continuing to prioritize affordability and a supportive environment, our housing communities are the catalyst for personal growth and empowerment. The M.I.S.S. vision aligns with broader efforts to ensure everyone can access safe, affordable housing, a cornerstone of thriving communities.

Our Strengths

Our strengths as women are celebrated here; our weaknesses are given support.​We alleviate uncertainty by empowering single mothers ​to gain self-sufficiency. All residents of M.I.S.S. Inc.’s housing facility serve on the M.I.S.S. Advisory Council (MAC), which allows them to learn leadership skills and communicate directly with each other and the organization’s board. In addition, all participants are required to volunteer 4 hours per month to give back to the community. Opportunities abound for volunteering with our organization or by attending community meetings on behalf of the M.I.S.S. organization.
Supporting the M.I.S.S., Inc. of the Treasure Coast
The generosity of corporate sponsors is vital as we continue to help empowering single mothers to gain self-sufficiency.
What a great way to align the power of your company’s branding, marketing and outreach with a great community mission. At a time when one out of every two persons is considered to be either low-income or at poverty level, M.I.S.S. is experiencing an even greater than usual need to assist with transitional housing and support services. It is part of our mission to try and provide every child with a place they consider home. Your generosity is helping us to meet our mission. Please help us continue to provide housing with support services to homeless and low-income women and children.

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